On-the Go Oatmeal

These days everyone is busy, and we often feel like we have to do it all. As a student I often feel this pressure. Between schoolwork, volunteering, and friends it can be hard to schedule in the time to take care of yourself, including preparing healthy meals to last through the week.

This breakfast is perfect for those that find themsleves rushing out the door every morning.  Instead of grabbing a muffin at a coffee shop or settling for a sub-par piece of toast, try this out.
This on-the-go oatmeal requires no cooking time, is prepared in advance, and is portable. Pretty much it solves all your breakfast conundrums. All you need to do is grab a jar or other reusable container and follow this simple ratio. Mix equal parts rolled oats and milk of choice and 1 tsp of chia seeds, then cover and let sit in the fridge over night.

A lot of people are not hungry first thing in the morning, but you can pack this with you in your bag and have it on the bus on your way to work, in class, or at your desk.

Whats the big deal about breakfast? We always hear that it's the most important meal of the day, but why is that? Mainly, eating breakfast helps you to consume all the nutrients and energy your body needs to function properly, and those who skip breakfast are else likely to meet these needs. Research has also shown that people who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight and have a lower risk for diseases such as diabetes. 
Eating breakfast also helps prevent you from reaching for less-nutritious options later on in the day when you find yourself starving. By 11 am your stomache's growling and next thing you know you've scarfed down half the box of Timbits someone brought to work. No bueno.

 The second big question is will breakfast jumpstart your metabolism? This link stems from the fact that when you go for long periods without food your body enters starvation mode to conserve energy, and your metabolism slows down. Translation: you burn less calories during your daily activities. That being said, eating breakfast won't directly boost your metabolism.
Bottom line: eat breakfast.

The great thing about it is that there are so many possible flavor combinations that you won't get bored!
Some I have dreamt up so far:
Apple Cinnamon: add a pinch of nutmeg, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, and diced apple
Chocolate Banana: add a pureed or chopped banana and 1 tbsp cocoa powder to the oat mixture
Tropical: add shredded coconut and diced mango

I often use frozen fruit and allow it to sit with the oats in the fridge overnight, and by the morning the fruit is the perfect texture. So far my favorite is blueberries, almonds, and a bit of lemon zest. Get creative, and try and come up with your own yummy combos!

On-the-Go Oatmeal

serves 1

1/3 cup rolled oats

1/3 cup milk of choice (I use almond)

1 tsp chia seeds

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/8 tsp vanilla extract

1/2-1 cup of fruit, fresh or frozen

1 tbsp chopped nuts, seeds, coconut for topping (optional)

1. In a 8-16 oz jar/container with a lid, whisk together the oats, chia seeds, and cinnamon.

2. Add the almond milk and vanilla and stir to combine. Cover the container and place in the fridge overnight. If using frozen fruit place it on top of the oat mixture at this step.

3. Top oat mixture with fruit with nuts/seeds if using.

breakfastLaura Jeha